How COVID-19 Might Impact Personal Injury Claims
With a statewide stay-at-home order in place for the foreseeable future, many people in Tustin have had their lives completely uprooted. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted almost every aspect of our lives, including businesses and school for our kids. If you have a pending personal injury claim, you are likely concerned about how the outbreak and resulting shutdown might impact your case.
Your Claim Can Continue
Most insurance companies are still in operation, with adjusters working from home. If you already filed your claim, the adjuster should continue processing it. While there might be some delays, you should be able to check the status of your claim via email or a phone call. Having the right legal representation can help keep your claim on track and prevent unnecessary delays.
Using Technology to Represent Injured Clients
Courts are closed, and most people cannot go into the office. However, we are fortunate to live in a time when technology can help accomplish many things from our homes. While in-court meetings will be postponed, the majority of injury claims happen out of court anyhow.
Attorneys can continue to negotiate with insurance companies over the phone and can send in evidence to support your claim via email. We can use Zoom, Skype, and similar video chat apps to converse with clients and adjusters when a phone call is not sufficient. We can use DocuSign to allow clients to accept settlement offers from insurers, so no paperwork will need to enter your home.
If you have a personal injury lawsuit pending, technology can keep the litigation process going as much as possible. Discovery can be conducted with paperless technology, and we can e-file motions with the court, even if they are not having in-person hearings. If necessary, depositions and negotiations can take place via video conferencing. In short, there are many technological tools that can be used to keep your injury claim on the right track and obtain your settlement as soon as possible.
If You are In an Accident
Accidents can still happen even if your family is on lockdown. Defective products can be in your home, and they can malfunction and cause injuries. If you have to drive to the grocery store, pharmacy, or other essential errands, you can still be in a car accident, even with much less traffic on the road. If this occurs, make sure that you call 911, your urgent care, or your physician to learn the best way to get the medical care you need. Then, speak with an experienced injury attorney who can evaluate your rights.
Contact an Experienced Tustin Personal injury Attorney
If you have questions about a pending injury claim or you believe you might have a case, you should not hesitate to reach out to an experienced Tustin personal injury lawyer. Many lawyers remain dedicated to representing their clients in this confusing time, and it is important that you have a legal professional advocating for your rights. Schedule a free consultation with an injury attorney today.