Characteristics of a Good Personal Injury Attorney
When you Google “personal injury lawyer California,” you will receive millions of results. You can sift through the first page of results and choose a website you like or read about the experience of a particular law firm. However, you should also keep in mind what characteristics make a good Tustin personal injury attorney who you can trust to advocate for you.
Honest About Your Case Assessment
Not everyone who believes they have an injury claim actually has a valid case. Your personal injury attorney should be open and honest about the viability of your claim. You don’t want to waste time and energy pursuing a claim when you have little chance at recovery.
Take Cases on Contingency
People struggling with injuries, medical bills, and other expenses often do not have significant funds to pay an attorney up front. This is why personal injury lawyers usually take cases on a contingency fee basis. A contingency fee arrangement means that you pay nothing for the lawyer to start representing you, and you will not receive hourly bills during the case. You only pay fees if the lawyer wins compensation for you, and their fees come right out of your settlement or award. This means you need no money out of pocket to hire a personal injury lawyer.
Will Not Push You into a Settlement
Insurance companies are notorious for making very low offers to injured claimants, and too many people end up with much less than they need to cover their losses. While settling is a faster and easier way to resolve a case, you don’t want to accept a settlement that is inadequate.
Some injury law firms are known as “settlement mills,” as they push clients into accepting settlements, even if it is not the best thing for them. This way, they can churn through higher numbers of cases without ever going to court. This is not the best thing for the client, however, as settlement mills often settle cases for less than clients deserve.
You want a lawyer who treats you like an individual client – not just a case number or dollar signs. You also want someone who is focused on your interests and not simply ending your case as fast as possible. Injury claims can take time, and your lawyer should be willing to do what it takes for the most favorable outcome possible.
Has Litigation Experience
While it is not highly common, some personal injury claims require lawsuits in civil court. Your lawyer should have the necessary experience in court to handle discovery, motion practice, and trial if needed.
Has Experience with Your Type of Case
Personal injury claims can stem from many types of accidents, and not every case involves a car crash. If you suffered injuries due to a dangerous drug, you need a lawyer with experience handling product liability cases and the resources to take on large pharmaceutical companies. If you slipped and fell, your lawyer should have experience with premises liability cases. The same goes for truck accidents, dog bites, medical malpractice, and more.